A Tennessee Initiative | Implementation Science & Patient Empowerment in Moderate to Severe Asthma


  1. Develop and implement a patient-centric approach to find and educate severe asthma patients in Nashville, TN and the surrounding area

  2. Improve ability for moderate to severe asthma patients to have an informed discussion with their provider regarding treatment options and to request a specialist

  3. Establish a scalable model to identify and educate moderate to severe asthma patients


Moderate to Severe Asthma


Initiative Lead: Aubrey Kelly

Email: aubrey@rabblehealth.com

Phone: 805.490.6752


200 mile radius around Nashville, TN

Target Patient Profile

Role: people facing moderate to severe asthma and their loved ones

Age: 14+

click here for more information


Medical Lead

Dr. Katherine Cahill, MD - Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Advocacy Lead

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America


Amgen Inc.

Outcome Measures 

Active Learner Segmentation

Through A/B testing, determine which type of social media content (e.g., messaging, visuals, calls-to-action) resonates most with active learners in the asthma population and translates to downloading the smartphone application

Key metrics include: click-through rates, and conversion rates to evaluate which version (A or B) is more successful

Recruitment rate (number recruited per month)

The recruitment rate will be defined as the total number of participants recruited divided by the number of months of recruitment divided by the social media cost to determine the approximate number of participants recruited in a single site per month. 

Retention rate

The retention rate will be calculated as Daily Active Users, Weekly Active Users, and Monthly Active Users based on the login attempts of users

Symptom Diary Retention Rate

The Symptom Diary retention rate will be calculated as Daily Active Users, Weekly Active Users, and Monthly Active Users will be based on ‘manage’ feature set of users

Adherence to app reminders (proportion of app reminders)

Adherence to the app will be determined by examining the frequency of responses to app reminders. Adherence will be calculated as the number of activities completed in response to an app reminder divided by the total number of reminders received.

Mean overall usability score obtained from the Health-ITUES

The Health Information Technology Usability Evaluation Scale is a validated survey of usability of mobile health technology consisting of 20 questions each on a 5-point Likert scale with four subscale domains on impact, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user control. The total score is calculated as the average score across the domains with a value range from 1 to 5. Higher scores represent greater usability.

Change in ACT score

Change in ACT score from baseline to the 6-month end point The ACT test is a validated 5-question survey used to measure asthma control according to NHLBI guidelines.